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Saturday, September 25, 2021

A Better World Project


Miguel Angel Davila




Civic Group leaders

A Better World Project

Applied Anthropological Research

Proposal Summary

I graduated with a BA in Anthropology. I wanted to create a better world project that involved research and anthropology. In your opinion, what are the 4 most problematic human social issues of our time? This will be the survey question. I already have 10 respondents. In addition to these 4 provided answers, respondents provide Age, State of Residence, Single/Married Status, Sex. Privacy is assured through respondents providing only initials as identifier. All responses are contained in research notebook only I possess. My plan is to scale this as a better world project. Obtaining enough responses would then lead to data collection and applications for statistical analysis. Synthesizing this human research data through applied methodologies would provide contemporary insights into what the active community announces our societal problems to be. This research would result in tangible product/report that could be used to inform influencers and decision makers.


This project is feasible to achieve during the onset of COVID-19. I personally have career and academic interests in applied research. This project would benefit the larger community and participants involved. The respondent providing answers, and the persons being informed by the answers involved. I plan on involving my chapter this better world project by asking them to participate in survey, or volunteer to help me in executing the applied anthropology research study involved. This will educate the community and my chapter society members. This is an independent project that could be sustainable. The survey respondents could live anywhere in the U.S. This make the study and data nationwide. Respondents can reply with any 4 answers they believe to be true according to opinion.

How many lives will your project impact?

Countless, this project is sustainable. No limit to how many respondents could reply.



October 1, 2021


Start better world project

October 1, 2021

Announce involvement request to Chapter Leaders/Members

October 7, 2021

Establish Team

October 14, 2021

Budgeting Itemization / Supplies

October 21, 2021

Research/Marketing Modalities

October 28, 2021

Printing Materials

November 4, 2021

Team Check-In

November 11, 2021

Project Promotion

November 18, 2021

Team Check-In

November 25, 2021

Outreach Motive

December 2, 2021

Social Media Content

December 9, 2021

Blog Post

December 16, 2021

Testimonials / Satisfaction

December 23, 2021

Team Check-in

December 30, 2021

Data Reporting

December 31, 2021



Describe what is necessary to take your project plan into action. This may include different kinds of support aside from monetary needs. Ex: Human, material

Human Participation Chapter Involvement Chapter Volunteers Printed Materials Supplies Media Production


Position title

Have you approached a prospect? (if the role is vacant)

Research Assistant


Graphic Designer


Marketing Specialist


What is your plan to fill the positions of need?

I will ask Chapter Leaders/Members to volunteer.


Social Networking Channels Personal Blogs Internet Marketing Conferences Associations

Define Project Success

I will know the project is successful when I have proved the project's sustainability beyond the proposed timeline for this better world project. I will generate a following on social media and receive press for undertaking this project. I will have involved members of the society in applied community anthropological research.

Potential Challenges

Monetary costs for media production are limited. Scaling the project beyond just the respondents I personally myself could obtain through my own participant appropriation efforts. Obtaining volunteers who will perform their assigned roles through the projected 3 months. Outsourcing needed skills that I do not possess for needed tasks. Time management; team coordination.

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